2015-2021 Data

Passa à Primeira

Your (un)official guide to IMT pass-rates

Condeixa-a-Nova (Municipality)

Home > District and Regions > Coimbra > Condeixa-a-Nova

The graphs below shows the approval rates for 1 schools in the municipality of Condeixa-a-Nova.

Data relative to driving exams in the last three years. Accounting for all categories (driving, motorbike, etc) and first passes only.

Click on the red markers in the map!

Condeixa a Nova
ApprovalN. Exams201965%290202066%230202167%248
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Condeixa a Nova

IMT License



Praça Da República 3150-127 Condeixa-a-nova

Source: IMT
ApprovalN. Exams201965%290202066%230202167%248
Source: IMT
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