2015-2021 Data

Passa à Primeira

Your (un)official guide to IMT pass-rates

Vila Viçosa (Municipality)

Home > District and Regions > Évora > Vila Viçosa

The graphs below shows the approval rates for 1 schools in the municipality of Vila Viçosa.

Data relative to driving exams in the last three years. Accounting for all categories (driving, motorbike, etc) and first passes only.

Click on the red markers in the map!

Auto Nisse
ApprovalN. Exams201992%60202098%53202185%62
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Auto Nisse

IMT License



Bº Nossa Senhora Da Conceição, 136 7160-231 Vila Viçosa

Source: IMT
ApprovalN. Exams201992%60202098%53202185%62
Source: IMT
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